
I love teaching. Part of this love stems from my deep appreciation of some of the best and most dedicated teachers that I have had the good fortune of being taught by.

Driven by my desire to emulate some of those great teachers, I recently participated in the New York Academy of Sciences’ (NYAS) Scientist-in-Residence program. As part of this program, I partnered with a middleschool teacher in Brooklyn, NY, to help 7th graders get a basic grasp of how AI and neural networks relate to the nervous system of mammals. Together with the teacher, we helped students bring together their understanding of human anatomy and the nervous system to design a ‘robotic’ arm made with cardboard tubes and plastic straws. We followed this tutorial.

Prior to this, I taught two undergraduate classes in the 2021–2022 academic year for the UT-Austin iSchool’s recently launched major in Informatics.

Here’s a list of courses that I have taught and served as a teaching assistant for.

Section Instructor of Record

Teaching Assistant